Home ยป CS:GO Inferno Map Analysis: Mastering Site Holds and Retakes

CS:GO Inferno Map Analysis: Mastering Site Holds and Retakes

by Angelina


Inferno is a beloved map in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) competitive map pool. Its distinct layout and unique challenges make it a favorite among players and teams. In this blog post, we will delve into the strategies and tactics for effective site holds and retakes on Inferno.

Map Overview

Inferno is a map characterized by its tight corridors, narrow chokepoints, and multiple levels of elevation. The map consists of two bombsites, bombsite A and bombsite B, connected by a central area known as Banana. Understanding the map’s layout and its various callouts is crucial for successful site holds and retakes.

CT-Side Site Holds

When playing on the Counter-Terrorist (CT) side, successfully defending the bombsites is essential. On Inferno, CT players must utilize their utility effectively to control the map and delay the Terrorist side’s progress. Strong site holds involve coordinated crossfires, proper positioning, and efficient use of smokes, molotovs, and flashbangs to stall and disrupt the enemy’s execution.

Banana Control

Gaining control of Banana, the central area that connects the two bombsites, is crucial for both the CT and Terrorist sides. CT players must establish early control to deny Terrorists access and limit their options. A well-coordinated defense on Banana can force the Terrorists to divert their attention, making it easier for the CTs to hold the bombsites.

A-Site Holds

Bombsite A requires a combination of solid crossfires, grenade usage, and effective positioning. CT players must work together to cover different angles, such as Graveyard, Pit, and Library, while utilizing smokes and molotovs to deny plant opportunities. It’s important to maintain communication and adjust positions based on the information gathered during the round.

B-Site Holds

Bombsite B presents its own set of challenges. CT players must secure the site while defending against potential rushes through the apartments or Banana. Proper crossfires between players on the site and from the ruins can effectively neutralize the attacking force. Utility usage, such as molotovs to delay the plant or smoke grenades to obscure vision, can buy valuable time for rotations and retakes.

T-Side Executions

On the Terrorist side, executing successful site takes on Inferno requires proper utility usage and precise teamwork. Properly smoking off key positions, flashing into bombsites, and coordinated pushes are essential for breaking through the CT defense. It’s important to exploit openings and capitalize on any weaknesses identified in the CT setups.

CT-Side Retakes

Sometimes, despite the best efforts, the CT side may lose control of a bombsite. In such situations, effective retakes become crucial. CT players must work together to retake the site, utilizing utility to flush out opponents and clear angles. Timing, communication, and coordinated aggression are key to retaking Inferno’s bombsites successfully.

Rotations and Map Control

Inferno demands smart rotations and map control. CT players must have a solid understanding of when to rotate from one bombsite to another based on the information gathered. The ability to read the enemy’s intentions and make swift decisions is crucial in maintaining a strong defense and preventing bombsite collapses.

Anti-Eco Strategies

When facing an eco or force-buy round from the opposing team, CT players need to adjust their playstyle and be cautious of potential stack plays or aggressive pushes. Proper utility usage and coordinated map control can minimize the risk of surprise attacks and ensure the CT side maintains control.

Adaptation and Communication

Inferno is a dynamic map, and teams must adapt their strategies based on the opponent’s playstyle. Constant communication, information sharing, and adjustments to the defense or attack are essential for success. Teams that effectively communicate and adapt to the changing conditions of the map are more likely to come out on top.

Counter-Strategies and Mind Games

As teams become more familiar with Inferno’s gameplay, counter-strategies and mind games come into play. CT players can anticipate common T-side approaches and adjust their positions accordingly. This includes pre-nading certain areas, employing aggressive or passive holds, or baiting the opponents into unfavorable engagements. On the T-side, faking strategies and misdirection plays can disrupt the CT defense, creating openings for successful site executions. Mind games become an integral part of the gameplay, adding an extra layer of complexity and excitement to matches on Inferno.

Economy Management

Effective economy management is crucial in CS:GO, and Inferno is no exception. Teams must carefully consider their buy strategies, eco rounds, and force buys to maintain a strong financial position throughout the match. Properly managing the economy allows teams to have the necessary utility and firepower to execute successful site takes or hold off aggressive pushes from the opposing side. It’s important to strike a balance between investing in weapons, armor, and utility while also ensuring the team has enough funds for future rounds.

Individual Roles and Responsibilities

Inferno, like any other map, requires clear roles and responsibilities for each player on the team. Understanding and executing these roles effectively contributes to the overall success of the team. From entry fraggers who lead the charge and create openings to support players who provide utility and cover their teammates, each player’s role is crucial. It’s important to communicate and coordinate actions with teammates to maximize synergy and ensure everyone is playing to their strengths. CSGO Skin Betting

Map Control and Timing

Map control and timing play significant roles in Inferno’s gameplay. Teams must balance the need for map control, such as taking control of Banana or pushing apartments, with the risk of leaving bombsites vulnerable. Timing is also crucial, especially when executing site takes or retakes. Properly synchronized pushes and well-timed utility usage can catch opponents off guard and provide a significant advantage. Understanding the timing dynamics of Inferno and effectively coordinating actions can be the difference between success and failure.


Mastering the strategies and tactics on Inferno requires a combination of map knowledge, teamwork, communication, and adaptability. Whether playing as a CT or a T, understanding the nuances of site holds, retakes, economy management, and individual roles is essential. By honing your skills on Inferno and implementing effective strategies, you can gain a competitive edge over your opponents. So, study the map, coordinate with your team, and embrace the challenges that Inferno presents. Best of luck on your journey to becoming an Inferno master!